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October 9, 2021
Ozaukee Congregational Church
In-Person or Virtually

Fee applies for In-Person and Virtual Options to attend
(Registration Required to receive the Link)


9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Registration is now open for our FALL SUMMIT, featuring guest speakers Rhonda Hill and Hannah Uitenbroek, speaking on Bravely Exploring
Race and Faith


To get registered:
1) Fill out the top Registration Form and Submit
2) If you chose Pay Online - click Registration Payment button through PayPal

STEP 1 - Registration Form

Hear Messages from speakers

Rhonda Hill and

Hannah Uitenbroek

• Provide common language for participants to discuss racism
• Explore Christian themes and Biblical text in relation to racial justice
• Unpack how we see ourselves and others racially by connecting our
understanding of how we see and understand God


Rhonda Hill has spent over a decade focusing on issues of racism and poverty. She has served as counselor, consultant, coach and group facilitator. She is an analytical, creative, systems thinker with compassion. Her commitment to raising awareness about racism is seen through her previous work with the Milwaukee Social Development Commission, the YWCA, the Greater Milwaukee Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee and as founder of Race and Faith. Rhonda has master's degrees in Marriage and Family therapy and in Theological Studies.


Hannah Uitenbroek wants all humans to be able to be given the opportunity to be their full thriving joyful selves. Hannah has been curious of racial dynamics since a young age but her racial theoretical background is her undergraduate degree in sociology from UW-Eau Claire in 2015 and Master’s degree in history in 2021 as a Trinity Fellow from Marquette. Hannah is the most excited about the five small groups (5-20 people) she has led in antiracism discussions within the last five years because she believes that local communities can drive global change. Hannah strives to connect her white and class privilege experiences of rural America to making sense of nonwhite individual and systematic experiences of microaggressions, generational wealth, police brutality, eviction, and mass incarceration.

Schedule of event

Login to the Zoom Meeting via link in email 5 to 10 minutes before program starts. Please mute your microphone during presentation portion and un-mute for the discussion afterwards.


For questions contact Steve Erkel at

8:30 – 9:00am
9:00 – 9:15am
9:15 – 11:30am
11:30 – 12:15pm
12:15 – 1:45pm
1:45 – 2:00pm

Coffee and fellowship
Prayer and Introductions
Session 1
Session 2

STEP 1 - Registration

STEP 2 - Online Payment

You can pay with most credit cards through PayPal button to the right.

Quantity - $30 per person registration fee

via your preferred payment method.


Enter MULTIPLE registrants in Quantity
or if you wish
to DONATE in increments of $30 on top of your registration



Membership in the Wisconsin Congregational Association is open to any church that shares the faith and polity convictions of the association and accepts the association Covenant.


Peggy Griffith
Phone: 262-705-5924

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