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Pray for our Sister Churches

This month, our 3 churches are those for whom I have very little contact information. I'm not sure of the status or current happenings. Let's hold them up in prayer that the contact I've made with each one will be fruitful; that God would continue to raise up leadership in their local churches; that the Holy Spirit would move in amazing and powerful ways in these three churches. They are:

Shopiere Congregational Church - Beloit - they have a working phone number and voice mail and I have left a message for my call to be returned.

First Congregational Church - Dalton - I have sent a postcard to the address that we have in our directory. There is a phone number but I'm not sure it belongs to the church, nor is there any answer or voice mail.

Covenant Congregational Church - Elkhorn - I learned last year that this church is being led by Pastor Jay Karow and they hold worship at the St John's in the Wilderness Episcopal Church building. I sent a postcard to Pastor Jay a year ago and did not receive a response. I have sent another postcard reaching out to him and asking for him to make a connection.

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