News from Racine & Richfield
Plymouth Congregational Church, Racine: Pastor Evens Paul checked in with me, as he continues to work on his masters degree in Seminary, to tell me that Racine was updating their church Constitution to make it less complicated to become a member. Also, their church is located in a ethnically diverse community so they work hard to connect with their community by offering outreach programs. This past summer they offered a VBS, a summer picnic and plan to do a chili dinner this winter.
St Jacobi Congregational Church, Richfield: Pastor Joel Boyd is continuing his Seminary studies and serving as Interim Minister at St Jacobi. He attended the Leadership Summit in April and his key takeaway was the concept of Bless and Add. He was inspired by this concept, and what it means to each church, and has developed a fall sermon series focusing on the St Jacobi Covenant and how it is lived out each day by the congregation.